For the last three years I have been volunteering with this foundation, working as a psychotherapist with women at risk of social exclusion, who come from Morocco, India, Senegal, South America…
Using transpersonal psychology, I help ensure this is a group experience, enabling them to experience life differently, accepting the processes they go through with equanimity and emotional intelligence.
I give them the tools they need to find a job, improve family relationships and their relationships with themselves. Gradually integrating and forming part of the community.
Every two years the group changes, and the current course started in September. We work through Art Therapy, an approach based on Gestalt and the expression of the unconscious, involving drawing, sharing and opening up their minds.
Associated with Transpersonal Psychology, this work has its roots in several disciplines of deep psychotherapy that help to free the mind.
From what?
From emotions that keep you imprisoned, from painful beliefs, from repetitive thoughts of resentment, from toxic relationships. And, above all, from bitter, deep-seated guilt; that part of the mind that makes the body sick, recreating events over and over again, and creating a gulf between the being and the experience.
Forgiveness is a quantum leap of consciousness; repeated experience of forgiveness leads to a peace-based mentality.
In these four workshops, we see just how many misconceptions there are surrounding forgiveness, the five steps to forgiveness, ego strategies and programs, and the fruits of inner freedom.
These are all tools that allow you to continue working on awakening the inner force that we all carry within.
The structures of these two-hour workshops undergo group attunement to unify the different frequencies we bring to the field. A transmission, to facilitate the process.
Dance! With Original Dance there’s no time to keep yourself closed off, to leave it till tomorrow, to dissociate your thoughts from your feelings, to forget that the only essential thing is to live.
Each workshop is focused towards specific objectives. Following precise rhythms. So you can address your goals and deepest needs in an organic way. Connect with unfinished business. Guilt. Forgiveness. The obstacles holding you back.
What they told you life was all about. Because dancing leads the way out of inertia. Away from the vertigo you feel when the path you are on ends in one abyss after another. The sadness of an unfocused dream. A film without a happy ending. The anger that lies at the edge of all that disappointment…
And finally, the Void, with its voice of silence recreating for you the fullness of the now. There in the movement, disappointment becomes a teacher, an arrow pointing towards the ephemeral, that which we took for granted. And still life continues to flow, powerful as a river without beginning or end.
_”El arte de escuchar los secretos del síntoma” (“The art of listening to the secrets of the symptom.”). Polarity Conference. Vitoria.
_”Terapia de Polaridad o cómo dejar de amargarse la vida” (Polarity Therapy, or how to stop making your life miserable). Madrid.
_”El silencio interior. Las corrientes cerebrales y los estados de emergencia espiritual” (Inner silence. Cerebral currents and states of spiritual emergence) Mexico.
_”¿Cómo dejar de cometer los mismos errores? Acerca del funcionamiento del campo electromagnético”. (“How to stop making the same mistakes? About the functioning of the electromagnetic field) Madrid.
_”La vanguardia en terapia: un acercamiento a la Neurociencia”.(The cutting-edge in therapy: an approach to neuroscience) FESTIVA 2012, Valencia.